Popular types of Research Papers

There are different types of research papers. Before you know what to write, you need to understand what a research paper is. A research paper is a collection of their thoughts based on a thorough analysis of what one previously knows and what they have managed to research about the topic. In theory, before you get into any academic writing, this is something very critical that you need to know. It facilitates your writing but does not make your life easier.

Know what to write

It is essential to understand what you are writing. It is integral to writing a successful research paper. There are different types of papers, and each of them has an expected format of writing. While sometimes the research paper states which type it is, other moments you find the type of paper implied instead of stated. At this point, having an accurate interpretation of the requirements of the paper is imperative to ensure you get a good grade in your paper. 

There are different types of research papers:

  1. Analytical Papers
  2. Argumentative papers
  3. Compare and contrast papers
  4. Definition papers
  5. Cause and effect papers
  6. Interpretive papers
  7. Reports
  • Definition Papers

This type of paper explains a topic from the standpoint of facts. The facts are usually devoid of the opinion of the author and their emotions. Even though the paper contains facts from different sources, the information gets unanalyzed and includes only the facts found in other findings. While these papers can seem difficult for some students who like writing from their perspective, a good definition research paper can provide essential information framework for writing other analytical or argumentative reports on the same topic.

  • Analytical papers

This type of paper includes information from a range of sources. The focus of this research paper is analyzing viewpoints from different representations that are factual rather than opinions. When writing analytical papers focus on findings, methodology, and conclusions of other researchers. After this, conclude the paper by summing up the findings and suggesting a framework for studying the issue further.

  • Argumentative Papers

The essay presents an issue and highlights two controversial sides of the issue in one paper. To write an excellent argumentative paper, you need to include intext citations that show logical facts from researchers from different sides of an issue. You also need to conclude by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each argument.

  • Compare and contrast Papers

The type of paper is mostly used in literature courses to compare and contrast two different stories or authors from a particular genre. However, in social sciences, it can get used to comparing different theories. In philosophy, the thoughts of different philosophies can also be compared. The most important part when writing a compare and contrast paper ensures that you explain briefly.

  • Cause and Effect Papers

These papers trace the results or the probable results from an action or policy in a logical progression. It is mostly used in education and business fields.

  • Reports

These papers follow the format of a business format or memorandum. It uses these formats to outline a case study situation.

  • Interpretive Papers

These papers need students to use their knowledge to study a case in particular. Tutors mostly use it in humanities, literature, and social sciences. 


It may look daunting seeing the different types of research papers there. But as you work through your course, you will understand these other kinds of papers and how to structure them